【氏名又は名称】寺内 國雄
【氏名】寺内 國雄
【要約】 (修正有)
【非特許文献1】モンスタースラッガー MS−35 内田販売システム 89キングダム
1 空洞構造のカラーバット
2 キャップ又は螺子
3 スイングに大切な注意事項等の文面とスイングスタイルの画像絵
4 ほぼ無料の水

特徴・練習アドバイス 素振り。
アドレスの基本、骨盤を立てるって何!? 宮田成華。
ティークバックしようとすると、注入された水の重さが手や腕で上げられない体感から、右肩甲骨の左側にスライドと同時に両足裏と足首で地面を右振りさせられながら左右動が無く左膝が前に深く曲げられて理想的なコンパクトなトップに達します (左右動(スエー)・上下動・前後動は不可能です)
切り返しで沈み込んだ時点で右肘が必然的に曲げられて右脇腹に着けられ、左股関節の 後ろ引きで、クラブが自動的に返されて理想的なインサイド~インサイドインでクラブが必然的に返されてフォロースルーになります。
ボールから離れて納得行くまで連続素振りを繰り返してください。 また片手での素振りもお勧めです。片手のだと力みが無くなり、クラブを立てないと振れません。ダウンブロー・ボディターンのやりすぎは良いスイングの障害とヘッドスピードが落ちる要因です。
1. 姿勢矯正と集中トレーニング:正しいスイング姿勢を調整し、練習中に重要なポイントを見つけやすくし、トレーニング後のゴルフスキルをより速く向上させるのに役立ちます。
The utility model on the picture, I was asked to make a substitute for golf instruction from amateur to professional players. My invention of the baseball bat for swinging to improve golf skills from professional players, a report regarding effects about Japanese theory of bamboo swinging that has been recognized by some top players such as Mclloroy, to junior and senior players.

Features, Advices for practice, swing
Right addressing is done by straightening pelvis. Swing is only possible with this addressing style with the baseball bat filled with water. Instruction for hip join to bending forward should be done carefully since it is the utmost cause of keeping players hand swinging.
What is the basic for straightening pelvis?
The most difference between professional and amateur is the way they stand.
The ratio of weight would be 6:4 for driver, 5:5 for irons. You can look up for more information on the internet.
Takeback (the movement of twisting your body to right on the ground)
When you try to takeback with the baseball bat, it helps you to make an ideal move to the swing top due to the feeling of your hands and arms not being able to lift things by the weight of water, which leads the slide from right shoulder blade to left with the both of your soles managing ankles to move to the right on the ground making your left knee deeply down tilted forward not making unnecessary sway to neither right nor left.
Double swing (the whole-body leftward twist)
As for comebacks, sinking slightly from the top spreading your both knees temporarily, and making left twist on the ground simultaneously on the both soles dragging back left hip joint by your left heel stepping in strongly, and the weight of water provides centrifugal force to the golf club which enables to make a pause at the top of your swing resulting to achieve you a strong double swing.
Impact to follow-through
It would just naturally be follow-through after your right elbow inevitably bends towards the right side of belly as comebacks sinks, and left hip joint being drawn back makes the gold club flips to ideal form for follow-through.
Recommendation for swing
Please swing repetitively without putting unnecessary strength. If you flip your wrist then, you would have the feeling of being stuck in follow-through, and the feeling of not being able to make top-up would be transmitted to your wrist, so put some distance from the ball and repeat swinging until you get the feeling of being satisfied. One-hand swing is also recommended, since it would free you from unnecessary strengthening, and it makes you hard to swing without straightening up the gold club. Doing downward blow and turning your body constantly causes to reduce the club head speed and give bad effects to your swing. This product is very helpful for learning the right swing and strengthen you up which is vital for sports like golf by the effects of centrifugal force of cost-free water weight.
1. Improving posture and concentration: Adjusting your posture for the right swing, making it easy to find important points while on practice, and quite useful to improve your golf skill faster after training.
It is useful for improving performance and learning. You would feel the improvement of your skill with greater performance after training. You can save up some money by using this costless baseball bat for your swing practice which can improve your swing on behalf of professional instructors that cost a lot.
Available in a small room
Even in a small room, by repetitively reading explanation of important points as for swing pasted on the side of the bat, and keep on swinging in accordance with the instruction, you can improve your swing and learn to get American style swing based on the theory of Japanese bamboo swing.
Golf swing is not that difficult
Right golf swing is easily achievable with the right address straightening pelvis, with your both soles tight on the ground to the direction to the right reaching its top, slightly sink with the movement of comebacks, and simple left swing which can be done with your both soles on the ground by the bat and instructions written on the side of the bat, which would give the same effects as lessons from professional instructors.
Utility model inventor: Terauchi Kunio
E-mail: modehouse@luck.ocn.ne.jp
Phone: 048-852-8738
Mobile: 090-2550-1777
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